
About Carol Stone

Carol Cross Stone is a Bankruptcy Attorney with 35+ years of experience.

Liquidation Definition

Liquidation - sale of property. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 trustee will sell property that you cannot protect through exemptions. He will divide the money up among your creditors. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is also called a liquidation bankruptcy.

2021-03-02T22:44:49+00:00February 1st, 2014|Glossary|

Exemption Definition

Exemption - specific protection of certain types of property from liquidation or sale in a bankruptcy case. There are state exemptions and federal exemptions. How these apply is complex and varies depending on the facts of the case. For more information about exemptions in Texas, read Holding On to Your Property in Bankruptcy. [...]

2021-01-13T20:01:48+00:00February 1st, 2014|Glossary|
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